Terms & Conditions
The following terms of service constitute an agreement between users and Investment Ark. By accessing the website found at investmentark.com or using our services, you agree to be bound by the terms of service explained below. You also assert that you have read and understand these terms and how they apply to you, your account, the actions you can take, and more.
Usage License and Restrictions
Investment Ark grants users a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access the services we offer through the Investment Ark platform. However, to access those services, visitors must register and create a user account. Only users have full access to our full range of services.
Note that we offer services designed to help business owners and entrepreneurs locate the funding required to build their businesses, as well as services for individuals seeking to build their investment portfolios. Users are not authorized to copy, modify, transmit, distribute, or copy any service or portion thereof. Investment Ark is likewise not responsible for the hardware and Internet connection necessary to connect to our services.
Your Account
To make use of our services, visitors must create user accounts. Doing so requires providing Investment Ark with personal and/or commercial information, as well as financial data. We reserve the right to suspend service to any user. We also restrict accounts to human beings only. Accounts created by “bots” or other automated methods will be summarily deleted. Users are responsible for the accuracy of the credentials used to log into their account, as well as all activities related to their account. Investment Ark cannot be held liable for login credentials or account-related activities.
Fees and Payments
Users are responsible for paying any and all fees/charges associated with their account and/or the services accessed through the Investment Ark website promptly. All payments are non-refundable.
Investment Ark reserves the right to suspend or terminate any user account at any time for any reason.
The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Investment Ark and all its affiliates, employees, subsidiaries, partners, etc., from any liability for damages, claims, expenses, or debts arising from or related directly or indirectly to the use of the Investment Ark platform.
IP Rights
Investment Ark maintains ownership of all graphics, representations, and materials present throughout its platform and accessed via its services. Users have no right and cannot empower others to share, reproduce, copy, distribute, enhance, etc., any design, text, graphic, or other element found herein.
Investment Ark makes no warranty or guarantee, explicit or implied, regarding the use of information or services accessed via the platform or resulting from delays or interruptions in the flow of information from the platform. Users agree to utilize the Investment Ark platform at their own risk.
Enforcement of the Agreement
These terms of service are held to be complete and in effect at all times. If a portion of the terms of service is rendered null, the remaining portions are still in effect. Users assert that they have the legal right to enter any and all information supplied to Investment Ark and irrevocably agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, as well as our Privacy Policy. Users declare that they have read, understood, and agreed to these terms before creating an account and accessing any of the services offered by Investment Ark.
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